
Danvers High School

Personality Profile

  • Hometown: Danvers
  • Age: 18
  • College you will be attending: Undecided
  • What is your favorite book?: "The Glass Castle" by Jeannette Walls
  • What is your favorite movie?: "The Dark Knight"
  • Who is your favorite singer or musical group?: Linkin Park
  • What is your favorite website?: ESPN
  • What is your favorite class in school?: Calculus
  • What athletic feat are you most proud of and why?: I am most proud of winning Co-Defensive MVP in football this year. I worked very hard throughout high school to increase my athletic performance. This award made me feel that all my hard work paid off.
  • Who has had the biggest influence in your life and why?: My parents. I have a great amount of respect for my parents and the work they have done. They care deeply about others and have taught me to give a 100% effort in all aspects of my life.
  • Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?: Currently, my hope is to become an engineer when I graduate from college. I am not sure of where I will end up going or what I will be doing, but I plan on doing whatever it takes to succeed in a field of my interest.