Wed, Apr 24 2024

Published: 02/02/2007

Parents need to know about teen socialization online

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* Enable computer Internet filtering features if they are available from your Internet service.

* Know each of your child's passwords, screen names and all account information.

* Put the computer in a family area of the household and do not permit private usage.

* Discuss with your child that you are going to monitor what your child and your child's friends are posting regarding your child's identity. Often children and their friends have accounts linked to one another, so it's not just your child's profile and information in which you need to worry.

* Know and talk with your child about what other access he or she has to computers and devices like cell phones and Personal Data Assistants, or PDAs.

* Report criminal behavior to the appropriate law-enforcement agency, including the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's CyberTipline at, or the Internet Fraud Complaint Center at

- Courtesy of ARA Content

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